it came to my attention that the Marsflyer is the best (or 2nd best) VHF in the game
Mjolnir said: VHF with bomber firepower.
I agree, and as such I'd like to post my personal view about it.
I think I've used enough to see the obvious things, so id suggest
the following balance methods:
-People shouldn't fly it unless they have AI ID equipped.
cause the AI ID itself requires admin permission and
approved roleplay. If you don't people will say its a zoner
ship (or even worse, civilian) and ruin the whole roleplay behind
This above, is the only non-personal balance method i could think of
and it should be applied to the Harvester Cruiser as well.
Next thing id like to say, is that other than being very sad that the
Harvesters didn't "earn" exclusive rights to these 2 ships, i find it
very irritating (at least) that the Cruiser bears our name.
Mind that i speak for myself, not the rest of the harvester faction when
i say: "Why did you call it Harvester Cruiser? Why????"
One day a Zoner tagged, AI IDed character is gonna buy it to hunt
Harvesters, i just know it. Its unfair that we should be humiliated
like that. If you didn't want to give us any ships you could have at
least told us...and...:(
I'll stop here not to turn this into a flame thread. I think you get my point.:sleep:
I want to add the removal of the "Harvester" name of this cruiser as a
RP fixing suggestion. Again, this is just me, as a member of the community,
not as a member of the harvesters - asking this.
The problem is, I'm already getting PMs like: I cant wait to buy the Harvester
Cruiser! And they aren't even members of the Harvester faction. It hurts
my ears....and ego.
Now lets continue with the Combat balance. The Harvy cruiser is ok,
but id like to ask the development team to change the Marsflyer to
a bomber. It is us, the Harvesters, that will use this ship
more often than anyone else, ever. So its my (yes, personal)
point of view that it would be great if you made it as useful as
one would expect from a solo bomber. We should be at least
capable of solo piracy with it since we have no other ship
to do piracy with anymore. Our only in RP ships are those
2, and at least one of them should be able to perform piracy.
Since torpedoes don't really fit the awesomeness of the VHF's
AI ultrabeams id like to suggest the following:
increase the shooting range by double (at least 1200 range) and nerf the
projectile speed as you see fit. That would make the VHF
practically a long range artillery unit (simmilar to bomber)
and more useless against VHFs.
What do you think? Can you grant us at least this much?
EDIT: don't get me wrong, i still love the ships. But why not
make some things right while we're still in beta?