Ronon waited for a while for a responsee, and he finally got one. It was from the clerk that he had been with a few days ago. According to him, some things that Ronon had not known about before had come into affect. The clerk was new on the job it seemed, and he apologised for it. "You didn't know before, now you do" Ronon thought. The clerk told him that he had to see the recruiter in person. Ronon was currently fighting Liberty Navy patrols in California, so as soon as he was done he returned to the bussling streets of Manhattan. He returned to the same building, opened the same door, and walked into the same room. The clerk recognised him instantly, and apologised again for the trouble. He indicated a door, and Ronon stepped through.
He stepped into a moderately sized room, about 10 feet squared. Grey wallpaper was beginning to curl at the tops, and the small bulb at the centre of the room was barely able to do the job of lighting the room. There were two chairs and a table in the room, a computer was resting on the table, with stationary holders and a paper draw, just in case it came down to the old fashioned way.
Ronon sat down on the chair nearest to the door that he entered the room from, and sat down. Thirty seconds later another man entered the room through the same door. Ronon estimated the man was in his early fourties. He had short, grey hair, the first signs of wrinkles, and his eyes burned with a determination Ronon very rarely saw. The man sat down in the other chair, and logged onto the computer. He typed on the keys fast, giving Ronon the impression that he did it alot, and regularly.
'Hello, i'm the SCRA recruiter for this recruitment centre. Now, what is your name?'
'Ronon Dex, I signed in a application a few days ago, but I wasn't told about the new procedure with applying in person.'
'Ah yes, a new one, normally I talk to the people about their applications, and either accept or denie them.' The man continued to type into the computer, and Ronon eventually saw his application pop up on the screen. He read through the application, then nodded. 'Yes, Planetform's empty promises are known very well, although nobody on their planets knows this fact.' He continued to read. 'Am I to assume that you still fly this Guardian?'
'Yes Sir, but i've managed to acquire some better weaponry, in the field of "CODENAME" technology.'
'Ah, the best weapons around, very powerful i must say. We didn't have many of them when i was a pilot, but now the SCRA is full of them. Sometimes i regret leaving my post as a pilot, but i figured i need to help more people join. Now, what sort of Military experiance do you have?'
'Well, for nine years i've been destroying Liberty Navy patrols, along with tens of Planetform transports, maybe even hundreds, but i might be wrong there. The planetform transports I destroyed did not contain terraforming gas, they contained luxury food. What happened to me is happening again on other planets, i want to be part of a force that can stop Planetform, and the houses, as they are corrupt and idiotic.'
'Idiotic is a strong word son, i'd say the right word would be "misleaded". Once they know the truth they will join our cause. I think your application checks out, i shall pass it on.'
'Is there any other reason for me to stay here, or will the decision take a while?'
'I wouls suggest you get back into your ship and continue with what you normally do. Write down your neural net communications code here,' the man slipped Ronon a piece of paper, 'and we'll contact you as soon as our decision has been made.'
'Thank you Sir.' Ronon wrote down his communication codes and left the building once again, and entered the streets of Manhattan once more. Ronon could of sworn he saw the same people as the couple of days before, but he was sure they wouldn't remember him. He liked it this way, it made him invisible, just another man seemingly heading to work.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.