= = = = = = = = Location: Aachenfeld, New Berlin System. = = = = = = =
Jump complete, computer tell me were I am Kevins first line of words break the silence since the departure of Yangi
Computer: Near Jump Hole anomaly vertex. Celestial cartography indicates epicenter of ship is in the New Berlin System. The ship automatically turns away from the gravitation anomaly which Kevin recently appeared in New Berlin.
Rhienland? Kevin mutters off the word, he realizes the present situation between Rhienland and Liberty. Contacts appear on the scanners, Kevins blood rushes. Unioners, not good. He takes control of the ship and pilots it towards The Ring. A slow cruise charge started in the core of the engine. The ship gradually picked up velocity. Though, the Unioner ships were closing in fast. A hail is sent to the lone Dromedary, Stop there now! Stop! You will not like zee outcome if your foolishness meets zee best of you! Instantly, Kevin slows the ship out of cruise, at that instant, a cruise disruptor missile detonates on the middle engine, the ship comes to a slow drift.
The two Unioner vessels meet near the disabled ship, commencing another hail. You listen! That be the first in zee while! Now! Ive got scans of your cargo hold, they look usable. Jettison zee items. Kevin sighs as he selects the cargo bay main jettison hold decompresses, all that is jettisoned is spare parts and extra clothing. Kevin mentions several words to himself, Good thing the food is in my quarters, as well with the arms.
Zee cargo is called-for, -accounted for-, ahh, stupid trans-lat-or is malfunctioning! Well, my mood is good for now, zee cruise off now! Unless you prefer pain and slow death.
Kevin performs a diagnostic on the central engine, a few reroutes and the vessel cruises off. Static jolts through the open communication relay
NO, NO, NO. Not Now. NOT. NOW! Kevin screamed in the cockpit. Strongly disliking what he saw two clicks in front of him.
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions."
Quote:* Nodoka Hanamura is all about that SSH life
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy - from our odyssey into Hell, we have returned with a gift."