Richthofen swung back on the plastic chair, reading from old-style paperwork as he smoked a thin, cigar in his typical, menacing fashion.
He marked notes on the paperwork with old-fashioned coloured pens, deciding who would be taken on as a recruit.
The Gallic girl that came in earlier, she'd do. There was something in her eyes. He could tell the sort he needed. Hardened, but not to the point where they no longer care. He used his green pen to add a note by her name.
-Recruit Rose Moreau -ACCEPTED-
He had also heard good word about this Sofiya Tolstov lass from the Commissariat. She still needed an interview, but it looked promising.
Huang Zhao... didn't seem the right sort. He was no soldier of the Revolution, not to the Captain's practised eye.
-Applicant Huang Zhao -DENIED-
Andres Salazar, an Outcast. Dirty junky. Wanted to join 'the winning team'. Unreliable. The red pen moved again. He had shifty eyes too. He was lucky that Jan didn't have him shot. At least he was given the chance to live.
-Applicant Andres Salazar -DENIED-
This 'Yakov Smirnoff' character didn't give off any reason for Jan, known for being somewhat paranoid, to trust him. Again with the red. Red was normally good, wasn't it? Well, not here, unfortunately.
-Applicant Yakov Smirnoff -DENIED-
There was then an interesting case, another man that couldn't follow instructions or make it to an interview, it seemed. One 'Joseph Raiken'. Well, if he could make it to an interview, Captain Jan Richthofen might have seen fit to find out more about him. Right now, well, he had only a form.
-Applicant Joseph Raiken -AWAITING INTERVIEW-
Jan leant back, finishing his smoke, following it up with a glass of water. He shook his head at the amount of work all this took, but shrugged... at least the seat was comfier than his command chair on the Genghis Khan.