' Wrote:If someone lives to be 200, at what point might they become senile? 80 still? What about age-related issues like Alzheimers? I would assume Cardamine to be a panacea for all of these problems, but what about the people who haven't had their genetic material rewritten?
They can still use regenerative nanotechnology. I'd assume it's expensive (or at least, artificially kept expensive, as you don't want every two-bit-factory worker to be clinically immortal), but it should be able to cure both diseases, restore damaged tissue and probably even edit cells at a molecular level, so you wouldn't only stop aging, but also be able to look young again even though you only started treatment at a natural age of 80. Or alternatively, you've got cyborg technology, you just replace everything but the brain. I'd imagine that even though the governments in the FL universe deliberately keep some kind of technological progress away (and likely also outlaw it), like technological singularity machines, matter editation and highly advanced AIs (as they would change society fundamentally, and thus be a threat to their power), to the wealthy, some of these things may be available to some degree and thus I wouldn't even be wondering too much if there is the one or other person who has been on one of the sleeper ships still living somewhere in the shadows, and the CEO of Ageira might already be over a few hundred years old as well...