"And there is a way to control our lolwutters. Ask the Keepers to bombraid the heck out of Minor. I assure you serious players won't lift a finger while the other caps will ask us in pms ''Help plz! D=''"
that is not the way to go - no faction is meant to be a "police force". - you cannot fight bad roleplay by stretching yours. - if there s a solid RP reason to ambush - then ambush... but not cause there are many lolwut players, but cause your RP demands it.
so you d do it when there were many perfect RPers, too. - you re not in a position to "teach" others your idea of RP, even if you think that the other players RP is really bad. - thats patronizing.
there are better ways - give them good examples. but when you start to force others - you only make them resist you even more.