Ok, I see a lot of positive responce to this, good good. Repair ships are fine and make perfect sense for both DSE and Kishiro. I've fought a couple battles before with players good at transfering bots and bats. It's all about the player being targeting alerting the group that he/she is a target and the repair ship knows who to monitor. You can keep your scan on and click through the players too, it's still one click away to open the trade window. As Dab pointed out, I feel any ships are allowed within the RP of factions involved, I am curious about what stratregies the players are going to take in these events.
Dab, thanks for the list of required info, as D's O mentioned I had planned on making a separate thread that displayed the results of each battle so the results will be reported in the events thread but placed in a display format in a second thread. I'll use the specifics you mentioned.
Zoners? this is the combatative aspect of the development of Okinawa something our Zoner allies aren't for. I have something for the Guild's Trade Division and the other trade factions as well. All three location require supplies and Zoner's won't be left out of that. A thread will come for that soon. (I have a job in RL, only available every second weekend too, heheh)
Independants? These events, as mentioned, earlier have real consequences to it, each side is headed by an official faction GMG| and [I]. I always felt strongly that major events like this is one of the benefits of paying up the 500mil and putting in the work and RP to be accepted as official. The leading factions are official and will oversee their part, even than official factions for allies will get priority seating with established unofficial factions following, independants as a last ditch resort (which means something like that wouldn't happen probably till several events later on, if that....) sorry, but I can shamelessly insert a recruitment attempt: Join GMG|.
Hired Help? Well this is always an interesting question. This is one topic that may be up for debate. I have conflicting views on it. It can easily get out of hand where more Merc/FL/BH show up for work than actual faction directly involved (mercenary wars, interesting but too much condidering they are foreigners). I'm not meaning this by a small amount of faction players showing, I'm talking about my PMs or the event thread filling up with requests. However, GMG is more tolerant of "gaijin" than their neighbours and has employed FL's and BHG in the past. While Hogosha is against "gaijin" sullying the Kusari space, Okinawa isn't Kusari space and they'd be sending "gaijin" to kill "gaijin". I've thought about the sides using hired help and if possible how it can be kept from gettig out of hand. Perhaps both sides (if this idea of hired help is wanted) can agree to make a flat rate and both post an almost exact replicas of help wanted in the employment forum. Restrictions negotiated as well. All this is hypothetical and really depends on an agreement between GMG| and [I].