' Wrote:Yes cruisers can't kill battleships. Unless of course they are very bad and have 12 flaks or something...
NOT true. However you need several things, propper kit, propper piloting, and numbers.
Charging a BS (especily one with cap8) will just get your group lolwuted.
Using good tactics will RAPE a battleship. Cruisers have the longest ranged weapon in the game for a reason, with identical power cost and slightly lower damage than the light mortar, in the form of the cruiser 'missle' turret. Cruiser torpedos have a 4.5k range. Stay at max range, spam those, and the battleship WILL die. Same for using mortars at range. It wont be quick, it wont be pretty, but it will work.
Add into the mix heavier caps to stand up to the BS while the cruiser/dessie spams light mortars/torpedos, and the cruiser wont be damaged at all.
That said, capital solaris should have at least similar range to that of the ships basic turret, cause GOOD bomber pilots wont dual you or stay in close, they will stay at range and feed your munchies with a SNAC.