Well I can just mirror Final's statement again.
It's rough politics, and rough policy, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes, we *are* trying to establish a Colonial Republic in the Taus.
We own only 44 though, but we do have influence throughout the Taus and our ships reach out throughout the Taus.
The Outcasts come alone attacking us, not the other way around.
First of all, Cali is a minor outpost, not a station which can support a myriad of capital ship fleets.
Tau 29? We rarely go to Tau 29, simply because little interests us there.
Innocent Junker traders? Would you give me a break?
We are in a state of war with the Outcasts, and anyone who supports their economy is privy to a lot of hate and bullets from our side, and
we'd be idiots not to do so.
Pseudo-police? I honestly do not know what that is supposed to mean.
If you mean that we're a sizeable force in the Taus, that we have numerous fighter and bomber squadrons scowering the general area for whatever might threaten our interests,
if you're saying that we have a strong navy which we utilize to it's maximum potential, if you're saying that you hate how
we've been a blight on the Outcasts and the Cardamine and Slave industry, then my friend,
I completely agree with you.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.