Personally I don't go around other boards, in fact I don't recall ever being a member on TLR forums and the like. As long time modder making maps and other things for other games in the past I feel there is something wrong going on around , may be it's just a feeling though, it's hard to say really. As much as I recall my previous modding there was always some nice and friendly in the groups I've been at: people shared their ideas, their findings, lots of tutorials and people helped each other, learned from reverse-engineering and like that, so at the end everyone improved, increased skill and the quality of their works risen literally with every single update. And if someone had found a way to overcome some game limitation it became quickly well-known. Perhaps things are quite different here, or perhaps it's the times, at least so it would look from a bunker I sit at, hard to say if it's true really. Kind of a sad feeling got to it all myself, to be honest.