Let me report first off that those skinny advanced train transport ships are extremely difficult to tag with a SNAC. Count_Crotchula--smuggler non-extraordinaire, eluded police forces, docked into Planet Manhattan before the order to lock the gates could be given and sold his cargo. Sergeant Maggard and I waited outside the Planet to see if he would be foolish enough to emerge. The smuggler didn't disappoint. He undocked, acting as if nothing was wrong and tried to take the lanes toward West Point. We commanded him to stop, and I fired a couple train CD's to assure myself that he would. After a couple more attempts to get him to halt his ship, Maggard finally had had enough, and gave the command to "toast him." I have to say, I was happy to oblige and got some good SNAC practice in. The first one hit and immediately took out his shields. But I missed that skinny ship so many times with the next attempts, that I should be kicked back to the rank of Recruit. Finally, however, I landed a killing hit with my SNAC, and Maggard took his pod into custody.
Pic of the arrest
Other than that, the night was uneventful for me. Finally, a night of relative peace. *Sighs*