wow. nice venting session. maybe someone could PM the admins with this link. of course, in doing so, you probably risk a sanction in itself, given the evidence you have talked about. i know that rules are for a reason. and i understand the reasons of most of the rules on this server. but if the situations you describe are accurate, then its a true shame. admin completely destroying every person in sight for no given reason? being sanctioned for admitting that you need help on the forums instead of staying logged in on the server to ask? they should be the first ones to reach out a helping hand, and its a sad state of affairs when you have other players rushing to your side to help you, just so you dont get sanctioned. It boggles me that there are 2 worlds out there on the server. the system chat which is nothing but RP, and then the PMs from players trying to help you avoid a sanction. why cant the admins be so understanding?
i had a pleasant little laugh when the admin posted the situation about the server saying that it was attacked. he wasnt specific about what it was, and hell it could have been a virus or something. who knows. but everyone was so quick to assume it was a hacker. saying that it was probably someone pissed off from a sanction. players should be more pissed off about pirates stealing all they're cargo than they should about a run-in with an admin, but that is simply not the case anymore, is it?
i remember when i started playing this a few months back, and when someone broke RP rules in system chat, they were issued a verbal warning, and then usually the one who warned them would PM them and explain the RP rules. The other day, i knew a good friend of mine that actually got sanctioned for not staying within RP in system chat with very little notice or warning. because he didnt use //. and he was a newb. fortunately it was just a warning for him this time, but i can understand his frustration.
then i knew someone with a zoner juggernaut, many of you know who i am talking about. but he got everything taken away, then when he tried to recover with his other trader ship, they took everything away from that too! over an event that he didnt seem to have full understanding of. maybe he did, maybe he didnt. but i believe it was an honest mistake on his part. i am surprised to see that he is still on this server, for if that had happened to me, i think i would be done with freelancer for good.
maybe the admins should loosen they're grip on some of the rules. maybe they shouldnt be so quick to issue sanctions left and right, and maybe they should spend more time actually talking to people. or at least have some moderators to do that for them, since they say they are all so busy all the time. what about moderators? just to help people out, and if the people still have trouble following the rules, then maybe a sanction is due.
i dunno. i just play the game. if something comes up, then i try to deal with it. but sometimes it just seems like its not worth it. there are so many other things i could be spending my time on.
maybe the admins will realize the situation and figure something out. maybe if they read enough posts like this, they will do something to help rectify the situation.