Senzo decended down the stairs. when he was at the bottom he looked around. he didn`t see Naomi right away, nor did he see Reiko. what he DID see was the fusebox. he flipped back the switches and power was restored to the entire house. the lights in the basement flicked on as well.
then Senzo fell on his back when something tried to rake his face off. the cat launched itself from behind the fuse box and hit Senzo in the face. when it landed it ran right up the stairs. Senzo, now even more enraged than ever before forgot all about his quest to search the basement and the fact that Reiko had dissappeared.
He chased the cat back up the stairs hurling random objects at it that he could get his hands on while running.
sounds from a blaster beiing fired inside the house could be heard as Reiko slowly woke up...