' Wrote:Right, results are as such, until I can figure out how to combine the Root and Cpnd of the .CMPs, I have no idea how to export the planet into a usable format... I could of course be going about it completely wrong, and people are welcome to correct me...
I wonder if I used the Root and Cpnd from the ship-type one...
Not that the work you're doing isn't good, but maybe you should leave this one to people who already have extensive experience with working with FL model types.
As it stands you really are overcomplicating the work involved with it, Silent is right about the groups, it can be done easily with one so long as you're familiar with your modeling application.
Secondly as far as programming languages go LUA is considered to be one of the most user friendly and easy to learn. There are enough guides online that it can be picked up to a useful extent in a short time, as well as learning how to program a working .THN file.
Right now you're sounding a tad like a know-it-all.