Guess I should post my point of view seeing as I was responsible for the SF order for Warhorse to leave... *sigh*
The situation was that we had known hostile ships, Phantom and HF in Cambridge. Positions unknown.
[HF]Steve.McCloud was asked to leave but wished to switch ships in system.
The request was to leave Cambridge before switching ships.
Warhorse, your support for HF was undermining a valid SF request.
You were asked your purpose in Cambridge and told you could leave when ready. An escort(Cricket) was provided to see you safely out of the system.
If you wished to stay and listen to the RP you could have remained docked at that point until you were ready to depart or the threat was over. The last thing we wanted at that point was more potentially hostile ships in the area, especially a Rheinland Cruiser. We didn't know if there was going to be a shooting match or another attempt at a MOX bomb attack on Cambridge.
As to the modding question, I think Aeon has already explained that he was dodging. Not that hard to do with thrusters.
I have a different loadout that requires frontal attack. That would be why I was much easier to hit.