' Wrote:We cant blame only the admins, sure they have soem fault for their attitude sometimes(I want to let clear that I ve never been sanctioned, I speak only by what i read here), The community itself is full of flaming players who think they are the best around here.
Yesterday i helped a new guy set up his char, he needed some money and asked for 3mil right away, no introduction, greetings or anything only a "Can i get 3mil from you?" in Priv chat. He was lucky that I am not the flaming kind of guy and asked him for an explanation of why he needed the 3mil which I at the end gave him.
Today I helped another guy set his char that he had lost after 2 months of inactivity, he needed to get back on his feet and I offered to help and gave him 10mil.
My point is? Well these guys were lucky it was me and not some one else, I know a lot of people who call others noobs and flame them, insult them etc, juts because they ask for help. I could have been that guy and tell them to make their way by themselves instead of helping, like it happened to me at the beginning.
The rest of the community should provide help for new people and stop acting like idiots, now I'm not telling you to give money to newbs, that is completely evryones decision, but a good advice on how things work would be nice, instead of flaming adn killing evryones fun
good point. when i first started out on here, i was mining silver from silverton and taking it to cali minor. well along came this smuggler who commenced to giving me enough money to buy a better transport ship. then he gave me more to get an even better ship. and showed me how to fix my rep with junkers and get smuggler ID with him. before he did this, i had no idea about the reps and how to get them fixed properlyi asked him later if he wanted to me to pay him back, and he told me not to pay him back. but instead help others like me. so i have been. i constantly get PMs from low level characters asking me stuff like where to buy ships and how to do this and that. i have helped several people by giving them a couple of million to upgrade and get them on they're feet. and it always feels good to do that. because you gotta remember your roots man. glad there are a few people like me out there. its good to hear.