Ackarion (that indeed is funny to reply to first post on a 4th page...)
I understand you run into some strange admin entity who pew-pewed you when you just undocked. Shame on that unit.
However, please do not judge the wholde admin team after meeting just on of them, sadly- the worse one. Even the best make mistakes and seems the one you met was one of them.
I personally had few interactions with admin in-game. One time one of them reminded me that to fly a cap-ship I need to have the Guard ID equipped. The other remind me to remove LN tag from before my name as I wasn't officialy a LN member - that's how I learned about indies. The other one answered my question and was very friendly. Well, all of them actually were. I was talking to them per "sir" due to respect to their work but they always called me "friend" or "mate". They were very player-oriented.
So, my experiences with admins are very, very good.
What I try to say is that mistakes happen and sometimes happen to new people as well.
Now a bit about the rules.
I'm sorry to say that but the truth is you should at least attempt to read the rules before logging on to server.
They are not here for the admins fun's sake. As the mod grows, more systems and factions are being added, more people is online, and last but not least - people sometimes do behave like children, the rules need to follow the changing shape of a server environment. It is true they are sometimes too complicated but that is a side effect of trying to keep the order.
I understand it takes some time to get familiar with all the rules, how-tos and stuff but that's normal. It took me like two months to know the rules enough to avoid any trouble but hey, that's normal.
As a part of a friendly advise to newcomers I would like to say:
1. Read the rules, even if you don't get half of them you always know the other half.
2. Login and ask someone more experienced of things you're not sure.
(I am always happy to help and answer questions but yeah... No one's asking...)
3. Trade at the beginning - it's funny and safe, as someone stated before me. Just interact with people and learn the RP.
At the end of my a bit too long post I would like to say one thing, which just my personal feeling about what's happening outside of FL server:
Just don't think too much. The game was made to give fun, so login and take it. It's that simple.
(just my personal thought, no need to agree with that)
' Wrote:yeah my spell and such sucks but i what ever