I enjoy FL. I just discovered the mod and have been playing it a week or so. I am up to a net worth of maybe 8 million, and I am flying my Camera from Colorado to Stuttgart trying to make more cash so I can get in a decent sized transport or tougher fighter.
My wife pointed out to me that whenever she looks at the screen when I am playing its always the same scene: my ship going through a trade lane. She doesn't get why I enjoy the game. I tell her there is more to it and I am just not to that point yet, but I don't really know where that point is.
I think I need to start some sort of RP, but don't really know how. I would love to actually blow something up, but I am not strong enough to take on anyone in my freighter, aside form the NPCs that interrupt my trade lane in New York or maybe Texas.
Also there are lots of disco rules and mechanics I don't understand fully yet:
I am flying from Colorado to Stuttgart. Can I do that, or is that not in RP because of a war?
Where do you find bounties; are they here in toe forums somewhere or from the bars on various stations?
What is the deal with getting a prefix and suffix? I am currently flying with a freelancer ID, do I need to rename my character to have some tag on it?
I have not done much to alter the default faction reps, so I guess I am playing as a lawful. Does that mean if I see rogues attacking someone I am obligated to help? I usually try to race by and not get attacked myself.
I have persuaded a few friends to try Discovery. We will probably all just play in a group. Do we need to make some sort of faction to do that, or can we just all have freelancer IDs?
Thanks in advance for the ideas/suggestionsnks to other threads, etc.