Joshua had received M'guires second call in the middle of a patrol in Edinburgh and had just managed to get back to New London. After leaving his Hussar on the landing pad, he rushed towards Christy's.
Pulling back the hood of his soaked trenchoat, Joshua nodded to Christy as he entered. As he looked around the front room, he was surprised to find it almost empty - no constable was to be seen, just some civilian.
Joshua walked past the man, calmly smiling at Christy, telling her to get him the usual and entered the back room, where he was awaited by the others.
"Evening gentlemen, I'm afraid I couldn't make it any sooner" he said while hanging his trenchcoat over one of the chairs "also, I think those MI5 lads are nearly impossible to be found. Even my contacts on the Shetland weren't able to give me precise information but..."
He was interrupted just as he wanted to continue. Someone else had entered the small room.