' Wrote:Personally, I'd hate to fight a KU Dessie, having flown one in 4.84 and seen how ridiculously easy it is to dodge SNs and stuff in it. I don't think I've ever fought one, tho...
So you have flown one in 4.84.. never fought against anyone, yet you know how good/bad it is?
Maybe instead of rumors you could accept the offer and try a test fight?
As to Kusari dessie being "ridiculous vs bomber/fighters", yes it ridicoulously weak vs non-noobish ones. Ask Blodo if you want fighting advice.
@ changes from vanilla, well Kusari destroyer has two extra turrets which are not activated on flyable ships.
@ Bret GB, it kills any GB 1vs1 without trouble now and it's great for pirating. I don't see why a ship that costs 1/5 the price of a cruiser should be better and more armored that one. For the record it's even bigger than Corvo, Zoner Dessie or for example OC dessie from some aspects.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.