You are saying you don't trust the Official Faction leaders.
That's these people:
Quote:JihadJoe, Dieter, Lotek, Malexa, Swisscorch, Niezck, Athenian, The Council of Dons, Xoria, Severetrinity, Mal and the CoZ, The Council of Elders, Lohingren.
Xoria, notwithstanding being a dissenter, is still on the list. Not sure how to square that circle, but nevermind.
Oh, I'm obviously on the list, and Joe, and quite a few other people who contribute greatly to the community, including some moderators. But they can't be trusted to um, look at a battleship licence application writeup and make a fair decision. Sure. Whatever.
At any rate, I read through the comments about not trusting faction leaders, and I take it personally. Should I? Maybe not. But I do.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, Right 5 is a dead issue. It's obviously divisive, and frankly I've stopped caring. I really don't think I could do it now without some people assuming that every decision I make regarding issuing a licence is about putting some Indy under my thumb.
The dissenters who posted in this thread are good players. The proposed Right 5 was never about restricting good or even mediocre players. It was about restricting demonstrably, objectively lousy ones. Ones that couldn't scratch up enough RP competence for a decent Battleship licence application. You don't have to believe that (and I guess you don't), but there it is.
Oh, and for the record, BAF doesn't really need this at the moment. Right 5 had nothing to do with me exercising control in Bretonia. Other places have problems, but not really us right now. There just aren't many Indy Dunkirks, and I like them all fine. I shouldn't have to point that out, but since my motives are suspect and all, figured I might as well.
So I think we will implement Rights 1 to 4 and move on. Maybe we can come up with something to prevent cap abuse that doesn't piss off too many people. Like worse punishments for dessies, cruisers, battleships that violate PVP rules.
Might be academic, since our server is lately being beaten like a rented mule.
If anyone needs me, I'll be with the other Official Faction leaders. Eating babies.