Man walked down a hallway towards the recruitment office aboard the Zhukovsky station. He had expression of grim determination on his burned scarred face with an eyepatch covering the burnt eye, his gray longcoat trailing behind him. Approaching the recritment office doors. Harsh voice was heard from inside of a room, and several maintrance workers were cleaning up bloody mess on the floors. Air smelled of blood, guts, plasma weapons and general carnage. Nicolai stoped in his tracks, adjusted his coat and cap, shifting several reccomandation papers in his hands. With long sigh, he knocked on the door and entered the room.
"Good day comrade commissar! I am marine sergant Nicolai Zakharev, I would like to request transfer to the space forces. Here are reccomnendations from Major Bigeard as well of Commissar Captain Bjorn Thorvaldsson." Said Nicolai while handing papers to the commissar.
"I hope everything is in order, Sir." he said with now more relaxed face, saluting as he straightened up.