' Wrote:What about pirating in a transport then? Or a freighter and a fighter are fighting?
From what I understand ... pirates cannot use freighters or transports. Have to look at the faction ID for the list of authorized ship classes. If memory serves me correctly, the Pirate ID limits you to fighters, bombers, gunboats and such ... don't think freighters and transports are in the list. Rogue ID and other factionized pirates do allow freighters and transports ... but I don't think the non-factionized Pirate ID allows them.
A freighter who engages in a fight would be OORP. Freighters are non-combatants. If he's fighting someone its because he's defending himself and trying to get away from being pirated. Now I do think that pirate vessels should have larger holds since it would allow for better role play with traders. Instead of demanding only cash we could demand actual cargo. NPC pirates always demand 100% of cargo anyway. If you've got 5000 units of cargo and I only have room for 400 units, I'm pretty much forced to demand cash over cargo. Now if we had room for 1000 units in our pirate vessels, we'd be able to demand 1000 units and you'd still make a profit on your 4000 units left over ... provided you don't meet up with 4 other pirates.