We seem to be going a little off track so.....getting back to the ORIGINAL question of battlecruisers, I really don't see a requirement for every faction to have every different ship class in it's arsenal. I can't see some small outfit (Xeno, Unioner, Bundschuh, LWB, Gaians and some others) running around in anything bigger than a second rate cruiser. I can't see some of them in something even that big!
If you want to pilot a battlecruiser, your faction allegiance is limited to Liberty navy or Bounty hunter. (Did I miss any?)
The choice is fairly simple. You either choose a faction because it uses a specific ship type that you are desperate to fly or you choose a faction because you like the way you can play them.
Let me clarify 'faction'. I am referring to your ID, not the three digit thing before your name or 'clan'.
It has been written elsewhere that a BC can be taken down by a cruiser with a good pilot. Well, good luck to him I say! If the pilots are of equal skill, I know where I'd put my money.
Leave it as it is, maybe give the Brets a 'Shark' next time though. Something a little prettier huh?