If I am to understand the new PVP rule correctly then, a pirate must first request permission from his target to attack it. If that person says" no thanks mate, I dont want to PVP" then the pirate cant attack.
So if I understand this right, this server is for only those players who want to fly around unharrassed by anyone unless they decide they want to fight.
What's up with that? Why even include factions like the Corsairs or Hessians and such? Why have systems that are owned by any paticular faction and why have any faction be able to impose "laws" and such in their systems.
I suppose this means I can trade whatever contraband I wish in any system now....because I can say "I DONT WANT TO PVP.... YOU CANT FIRE ON ME"
Where is the fun in that.
WOLF....you are running an OUTSTANDING server here. I have only been playing Freelancer for about a year, but I've visited a lot of servers and this bunch here has by all standards been the most fun. Now granted, us TBF folks didnt quite understand the seriousness with which the Discovery Vets take the role play here, but we are gradually getting the hang of it and we have made quite a few friends of our advasaries here and had a bunch of fun in the process.
I can only immagine how sick and tired you must be of going through about a million e-mails and PM's daily full of whinning complaints about this and that and the other thing concerning this server.
I would humbly offer this suggestion if yer gonna change the PVP rules.
#1 NO WHINNING...it's a WAR game...if you dont want to get shot then stick to the single player game.
#2 If it's green in your hud and you shoot at it....yer banned PERIOD
Completely do away with NEUTRAL and FREELANCER ID"S
#3 PLAYER MUST CHOOSE A FACTION by the time they reach level 50 no exceptions.
#4 PLAYERS MUST at all times cunduct thier opperations in accordance with their Faction ID's reputation.
#5 If you get killed by pirates...well that's the risk you take flying in the Sirus universe...learn to live with it or get over it.
one last thing....perhaps the no engagement of players under level 30 thing shoould be upgraded to like level 50 unless that player is obviously flying an outfitted ship that is ready for combat....or something...I dunno...
The only thing I know for certain is that the new PVP rule effectively prohibbits anyone who wants to fly criminal or pirate factions from doing anythng at all....that just aint right for a server of this calliber where so many have put so much time and effort into creating the most outstanding version of this game I've seen to date.
Whatever you decide....hat's off to ya mate and Thanks much for providg the fun!!!
Sincerely Alan James & Mark Trainor
aka: Krog of The Black Fleet & Sargon Commander of The Black Fleet