Quote:OK, here I'm quoting myself. You guys probably never read my thread and never read this idea either so here it is. RP and logical solution for code weapons. You can remove them and add better fighters in the game to balance fighters (Some players said fighters wouldn't be worth to be used anymore if there were no code anymore so I came up with something. Personally, I think fighters would still be worth to be used but new and better fighters would be cool)
My left eye is twitching i avoid putting strain on it.
edit: My bad its now my right eye...thank you
edit 2: Yes I really want things to be pulled back to were fighters are the mainstream use to me it make sense and is more fun..
edit 3: cuz no one will post
"Something else that could be done to make fighters a bit stronger would be to change the SNAC etc for new fighters that are actually sold on planets and that are better. Because the strongest fighter I've seen cost 6 mil. Why aren't there fighters that cost more than 6 mil? like 12 mil? Wouldn't it be cool? So that way, fighters could be played and they could fight gunboats and they wouldn't necessarily have super uber guns that seem to be magically sized down battleship guns. Then there could be class 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 guns and missiles for "new generation fighters". They would have better energy output, armor, weapon class, they could be even faster (because... the point of fighters is to be fast huh? just like RL jets).
And then they wouldn't use some weird guns found on wrecks that can blow up a whole gakaxy tongue.gif . Not to mention everyone uses it and no house has still mass produced them. It's illogical and it doesn't make sense fighter cod have s much powerful weapon.
After they get changed, it could be said that some guns we're taken by the navy forces of the houses and even some pirate (rumors) and they made researches to reproduce those "strange" weapons made with alien technology (OK i just made that up but that could make a reason for them to have been super strong for no reason without anyone to make more of them) and the others have been destroyed in the numerous fights they were used in. After years of research, scientists we're able to invent new weapons that coud be made and they were even able to create new generation fighters able to carry those powerful weapons. (They tried to use them to make larger ships but they couldn't find a source of energy powerful enough to make this new technology functional at such scale. Unfortunately, even now they couldn't match the power of the original weapons.
So, the point is, better weapons AND fighters, but to an extent. No exaggerating on their power but it makes them more interesting to use. And obviously, that wouldn't make them stronger than gunboats on every point. But they could still be better at some things than the bigger ships... which they are already, but at a higher level.
Even I personally, like I said, don't mind if I couldn't kill a gunboat with one fighter because that's pretty much normal. If I had badminton racket, I wouldn't try to play tennis.. if you see what I mean >.> Actually I'm a bit disappointed by you guys because what you are saying is like : what everyone wants to do is to be the most powerful guy on the server... and on a roleplay server, it shouldn't be like that."