Im done with this topic Do u see Britoina wanted guard ships to block baricades no they actually chase me.
Get off ure ass cap ship and get on a bomber wait at the entrance to area 51 for me to pop out.
I sat there today in alaska in front of of the ship yard while many lsf and ln were online.
Nobody even bothered me and when i did come to new york i landed on manhatten with no issues.
Mind you i fly 20k below the horizon but if u did ure job u would not be compaining about the smugglers comign through alaska. Apparently igiss wants u to run through it he wanted to lock it down he would have with masivve guard ships right there..
So get off ure ass do ure job quit complaining and come stop me. i spend 13 minutes traveling through alaska to get o new york if u cant check the player menu once every 10 minutes u deserve to get stooped. First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.