' Wrote:oh, when they are chasing our fighters around, i fire them at around 3~4K, they are extremely effective plus i am spamming them, except with a much slower rate than GB missiles..i've been killing GB this way for awhile now. (it doesnt seem it would hit a GB from stats, but they do on the field.)
I battlecruiser + = im gone unless i have cap 7 last for long time long time.
Ching Chong Chong
im done with ma capwhoring day cept in delta .... nuttin but caps. ir love my carrier.
Any how if they deserve it kill em but ima be raping some bombers and fighters for a while with this build
killed 9 in the span of 30 minutes . all were attacking me to.. I mean not at the same time but this 1 guy my missles killed every thing he had cept welll he had nothing not even a thruster i let him live.
http://signavatar.com/15890_s.gif First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.