I had a talk regarding Synth Bases and COmmodites, and came up with these, with help From the Dusteh, Dab, And other SHazbot. Just Ideas, nothin more
NAME:Hybrid plants
TYPE: Legal only for synth,PFI, And Maybe Cryer
INFORMATION: These Verisons of otherwise ordinary plants have been genetically modified for increased Productivity,growth,Or medicinall purposes. Only Planet from and Synth TRansports are authorized to carry it.
PURCHASE POINT: A Base Which does not exist, Possibly in stuttgart in the near future,
SELL POINTS: Bretonia Mainly,Because they are actually food crops,Modified to make more food.
TYPE: Legal For synth FOods Only
INFORMATION: These Units Are Used to repair BIodomes all over Sirius.Produced using closley guarded secrets, THey have simalar Defences to trade lane Parts. ANY Vessel Not Equiped with synth Foods ID Is In VIolation of Liberty/Rhienland Patent law #12353558698637134, and is subject to penal Restitution INcluding: BOunties,Imprisonment,And destruction of offending vessel
PURCHASE POINT: THe ultra secret non existent Biodome component Production Faciltiy