Alright, now..I was thinking of making a phantom, cause deep inside me..i'm a maniac..anyhow..I was trying to find some, follow them..get some info..but couldnt find any yet. Then it came to me I can ask in the forums.
Well, I heard that the phantoms were invite only..which made me very sad :(
BUT, arent the phantoms hostile to everyone ? I was thinking of making a char, killing every NPC I see for a few hours..then going to the phantom system..getting a ship and ID..but, I guess it doesnt work like I have to impress the admins for a rep edit.
Another question, how do the Phantoms RP ? I mean..are there any ''nice'' ones, the ones that say ''Hello There, *evil laugh*...or are they all Psycho Maniacs, saying stuff simple as: ''OMG, SOMEONE!..DAI'' *pew pew*
-Soul Reaper
Edit: Dont mind any typos..something is wrong with me today..