Grigory walks to the Commisar's office, a look of eagerness on his face.Grigory then knocked on the door, and got permission to enter. He looked at the commissar and all of the glorious deeds that he could do under the command of such people flashed through his mind. Grigory wasted no time in voicing his intention.
"Здравствуйте Comrade! I would very much like to join the SCRA and bring down these corrupt and terrible governments. The Proletariat deserve to rule much more than these dogs. The Bundschuh have treated me well, and had similar goals to what I did, but now that I have found my people again, I would pledge my life and soul to furthering our cause! I wish to spread our movement, to even the edges of the Border Worlds! No one shall stand in our way! All I need is your acceptance, and I will gladly take up arms to drive out our enemies!"