Getting a spaceship blown up is as trivial as it gets, unless you really have invested a lot of time in this game to the point where it becomes all-consuming. I'm sure many others have had equally nasty things happen to them in-game. There's a lot of people playing this game, who unfortunately have to communicate via the internet. So not only do we encounter the occasional moron and never really connect with them as human beings, but we have to endure their silly attitudes as well.
If Zig has demonstrated less-than-perfect attitudes, then that is, frankly, his prerogative and his responsibility to bear. I guess many people won't be selling him weapons anytime soon. Or buying ship from blunty. But that's neither here nor there, because this is the "Errant Venture got banned from the forums for a week because he broke forum rules about posting" thread.
Such a flow of generosity and kind-heartedness. Not much of it around when he actually lost his weapons-store though.