The name: Ivan Nagirov
Floor: the Man
Age: 22
Height: 183
Weight: 83
Hair colour: the white
Colour of eyes: Blue
The born place: the Planet New York, the New York system of system
First Joining: Freelancer
Last Joining: Order
Military experience: an exterminating bomber
Has grown in poor area, earning on gathering of resources in Pennsylvania. Then has had an accident and has been picked up Outcast. Has grown among criminals, survived "at the bottom" societies. Because of a sense of justice inherent in it often fought, protecting weak and poor, than displeased companions. 10 years ago, as a result of serious dismantlings, has been strongly wounded and has decided that Sirius should exist in more equal relations to all. The communism should correct this disorder.
"Abrupt", bright, brave and fearless.
Worthless in fencing art, uses a small pistol.
More likely, concerns a type of the Khan of Solo from Star wars.
Does not see the further life out of the Coalition