' Wrote:
Hmm. Tricky. No, I don't think I could give a definitive explanation. A definitive explanation needs more legal training than I have (which is zero) and any attempt I make would be doomed.
I'll provide my perspective though; this is not a definitive explanation, just an explanation that covers some of the usage and my understanding of the policies:
- I agree with Loawai's perspective.
- I agree with many of the other statements by people in this post, things like:
"Harming server gameplay? That could almost be anything...". Yes it could and this the point of such a rule.
"If you look like it as a loophole for the admins, I guess that's fine and partly true." Yes it is a loophole.
"I know it was used to sanction OoRP docking before." Yes it was until a OORP docking rule was created. (Remember Corsairs docking on manhattan and then undocking to kill all lawful ships before docking again)
As people have said, 1.2 is a catch-all rule that covers any situation not covered by the other rules.
In practice it requires a significant amount of discussion before being used as the situations requiring its use are rare and usually contentious.
There is no specific policy governing its use but in practice a large proportion of administrators will need to agree before using it. It is also a rule more likely to draw the attention of Igiss.
As this rule is vague it is possible that it could be used in inappropriate ways. In practice I can't see how this could happen given that things like this are discussed, usually at great length. As always though people can make mistakes.
What's the definition of inappropriate? The definition used is: if a majority of the administration team agree to use this rule, then its use is appropriate.
Now, my turn for a question: Why do you want a definitive explanation? If I know why you are asking I'll be better able to answer your question. Just curious and don't feel obliged to answer.
I've put this post in yellow because I like the colour.
EDIT: stupid colour! go yellow go yellow!
EDIT: finally yellowish.
I'll add one more thing to answer a subsequent statement: this isn't a superpower rule. Its use is ultimately governed by Igiss. If an administrator (or the whole team) abuses it, he can reverse the decision and/or ban/remove the people who abused it. This rule is used to cover situations that the other rules don't cover - just like what happened with the OORP docking.
Thank you Cannon,
The reason, or reasons that I personally wanted a definitive answer is because of the broad spectrum of the rule. Traditionally there has been a gap between player and admin in regards to the rules, and often questions have been left unanswered or simply forgotten because of other obligations or time. Anyone who has ever contributed to community upkeep knows how hard you all work.
But what it comes down to is the fact that the rules aren't written simply, and they aren't written with supporting information. No practical examples, no explanations of why and how, nothing that would relay an understanding easily.
In some parts even, the rules are written in such confusing English that I've had to look twice. So with that in mind an explanation of the rule is helpful to us because of its intentionally vague nature, it gives myself and others a better understanding why the rule is in place and how it will be used. And over all I think that enchancing community understanding of our rules, both forum and server is a good thing.