' Wrote:The entire community new that the trading system was going to get a massive overhaul and that the new version would not be as profitable as the old. This was discussed to great lengths on these forums for everyone to see, long before the knew version came out. So people had ample time to trade away before the new version. Even so, I'd suggest you don't use the word 'everyone' when speaking about the development team. I didn't do an ounce of trading during the entire development of .85. That's not an exaggeration. And I know a lot of others who traded only as much as necessary to upkeep the ships they already had or their factions.
When it came to the trading system changes, everyone here knew just as well as the devs that it was being changed and downgraded.. No one had an unfair advantage.
Don't tell me how to speak Dab.
I know for a fact there were a good many people present that began trading before the economy discussions became public. So get off your high horse, your attitude is childish and I'm tired of it. You did good work, everyone who participated this.
But everyone doesn't neccesary refer to the team as a whole, it can refer to a segment of the team. Hence the phrasing. The point was exploitation occurs everywhere, everyone does it.
People bought capital armours for cheap and then resold them on the player market knowing that they would turn a keen profit. We just tend to single out one event and work up a microcosm instead of viewing the grand picture.
Edit: And no, I'm not naming names. That will get us nowhere fast.