The Corsair Council seems to have died, essentially.
That organization would have been a good basis for something similar to the "SHIZL".. a group of Faction Leaders who at least attempt to coordinate the "Faction Leader Rights" for an npc group, both faction and Indie.
The prime directive of the "Faction Leader Rights" thingie is to mentor, wherever possible. And, in extreme cases, to take corrective action, up to and including request for Admn intervention; thereby helping our thinly-stretched Admins in regulating chaotic situations which (ONoes!!!) "harm server gameplay"....
Instead, we see old and respected Leaders of the Council running from Gamma with their hair on fire, throwing hands in the air, and generally letting it go to the "peritos".
Now, I don't know if there are "behind the scenes" chats still going on between OPG, Benitez, and TBH. I don't know if the Council of Corsairs in it's "old" form can be revived in roleplay, or if the Faction Leaders even want it to be.
It would be a step in the right direction to consider its revival, imho.