First off, yes i know the weapons are overpowered and its only been a few in game months (when has that stopped anyone in history).
So I have an issue with the no gallia outside of gallia rule. First I dont see why under certain conditions people couldnt leave, exiled brigands, junkers taking civillian tech ect. Secondly I think Gallia should have privateers working sirius, but if one tried to rp that they would get sanctioned immeadetly and that just doesnt make sense.
So what I want to know is simple, why? Why cant we do great rp and bring stuff out of there if its not the weapons? I could equip all buckshots/krakens/splitters/furies whatever and rp that its gallian stuff and it would be balanced. So whats the issue then? If you dont let us do great rp and pull it off its gonna stay as dead as it is now and not worth the space it takes. So I ask you again why? Why cant I do a great rp event plus a forum story about some such and pull it off? If I do will I be sanction bait?