I must agree with messieurs Patterson and Thexare above. While I appreciate all the hard work that went into making Gallia, it doesn't fit into Discovery at all. Its proportions are all wrong - it's going to be twice as big as any other House when all's said and done - and its entire background is one big fat cliche: mysterious group that no one knew about (even though they've been neighbors for like, 800 years?) comes out of the woodwork with superior technology and decides to crush the rest of the galaxy. (sidenote: why should they have superior technology and firepower? If history tells us anything, isolated societies don't develop as rapidly because there's no need to, no competition.) To top off the silliness, they make this uber-house French. No offense to France, but if there's going to be a superpower-type house I'd like to see it as descended from a combination of many countries, not from a single one (and one that happens to have an, ahem, spotty military history).
If it were up to me, I would have made Gallia as a small, relatively new House that arrived late like the Hispania, that was struggling to survive until it discovered a passage into Sirius. Then, this fledgeling Gallic nation would be working to build partnerships and alliances with the established Houses in order to build up its modest economy. In other words, Gallia would be a peripheral addition to Discovery that would nicely blend in with what's already established, instead of being a whole new thing that's neither here nor there.