be aware that isolation kills a faction. - it can be inRP as much as you like.... but if you want to isolate yourself... and if the players that are "isolated" actually agree to it... you die, cause playing with oneself is just not as much fun as playing with others.
it does indeed leave the question.... is "old" sirius isolated? - or is gallia isolated. sirius is bursting with interaction and life. gallia dies a slow and boring death - and the worst is.... when its dead and rotting, sirius doesn t even notice... nor care.
the decision made by players of gallia today affect future gallia players. - so when you isolate yourself today, i predict :
- those players that isolated gallia will switch to sirius characters after some time
- they are responsible for a whole section of space to rot and die - but they would never admit to it.
when its about such an issue - think in RP but also ooc. you don t want to be alone, in order to play with other and still remain secluded, - you must leave little gaps to sneak through. - if you seal those up.... you WILL be the first ones that will feel how it is to be alone.
in a whole - sirius doesn t care much if gallia opens trade or not. - sirius is busy with all its different factions, its little wars, its trade. - sirius DOES NOT NEED gallia to have fun. - gallia needs sirius to have fun though. - without sirius... gallia is just a fancy bastille. ( at least for now.... that is )
in a very ooc way.... its not sirius begging for trade. - its gallia begging sirius to trade with them. - this is not inRP - but its how gameplay in that case works. gallia is at the very mercy of sirius cooperations and players, not the other way round.