' Wrote:I think your misunderstanding what a lot of people (like me) are feeling and Ill tell you what bugs me. I hate how gallia is the ONLY faction to have sanctions in place as deterrents (how about....I dont know just kill them if they are somewhere else like you would a rhinelander in liberty, instead of it being OH MY GOSH SANCTION the second they leave gallia...). A lot less hate would be in place if it was less sanctiony.
All I know is im almost done with my huge rp write up for the chevaliers de la guillotine. Maybe it will go through who knows but I happen to like gallia and feel it needs a bit more something. I personally feel you dont put in something half done but its in and the recent gallia allowed areas changes are a HUGE step in the right direction. Props to whomever made that up, if my knights of the guillotine idea doesnt go through im probably gonna make a council character since those changes.
The reason we don't simply kill the person who goes into areas they shouldnt with Gallic Equipment, is because we actually keep to our ZoI's. One rule violation doesnt justify another.
' Wrote:Oh I dont know, how about making it so council characters couldnt (until the changes) go out and conduct diplomacy, brigands and other factions couldnt mess with the guys in the taus (they want those BADLY if you read their info), junkers spying in and out (I feel gallian junkers should use gallian civillian tech till they get their own line like tenacity is making), any privateers like concept ect ect.
There are PLENTY of excuses for gallians outside of gallia that are in rp and the rules till the recent changes didnt allow that. THAT is why people have been pushing for that so dont give me this "MOMMY MOMMY" business because its quite honestly, crap.
Salorn, my friend. Said Attempts have been .... attempted. Note my previous mention of the "Treaty of Reunion" When that occured, people tarred, feathered, and torched it. Saying it was too early to be making "RP Changing Diplomacy" When all it did, was say "Bretonians and Council can trade NON-MILITARY supplies with each other, and they will keep all warships from each other's space"
The same was given to Kusari, trade + no warships.
Another condition of the agreement between both BAF and KNF was that their war not spill into Gallic Space.
However, because of the flames towards the Reunion Treaty, both were indefinitely postponed and have not been mentioned since.
' Wrote:first off" next lolwutting whine complaint" line and we have problems this INDIE VR FACTION BS STOPS you have the id youe equal if your inline with rp i know this as even the [LN] wil lsometimes take orders from my BC but thats besiode the point
second off galias implementation seemed litrally "zomg uber pwnzors we al ldie" we have the nomads allready they shoulda been more stealthy about it(keep majority of there tech levels hidden from sirus and the council keep themselfs to there rped areas(taus orkney borderworlds ectra)
3rd off you know damn well due to vanilla rp nobodys ever gonna ally again why would they bother hateing us they got left behind because they obviously dident try or failed or wanted to go for something bigger than pratical so its there fault
im not saying its not for everyone remove it im saying either explain to people it or make it more interactable (like say let the council ectra)out
ive read ther wiki but i stil ldont understand anything its funny you say dont abuse it so you can pew pew it but from what ive seen that will happen anyway with this grand (and stupid)invasion scheme in the works oi can see itnow
lolwutting galic battleships in new york when the GRN is only in the omercrons or some BS
I've seen no "indie vs faction bs". Lolwutters can be anyone, factionalized or independent.
See the above comment to Salorn for more on Council interaction with Sirius.
See previous comments about everything else.
' Wrote:The above bold letters was a poor translation for...
This has been a news broadcasting from the friendly newscaster.
*clap clap clap* You understood the reference, sir. Good good, I feared everyone didnt get it.
/sarcasm off -- Really? Was that post even necessary as it had nothing constructive, or god forbid... destructive, to add to the thread?