I'll forego the quotebox to comment each section...
Like Thex said earlier,
An immigrant or stranger is called an alien. Thus, your interpretation of the dictionary fails. Or, perhaps its proof that Latin speakers a bajillion years ago had contact with Martians! I mean, surely they wouldn't have invented a word translated to 'alien' (i.e. Xeno) to be used with other humans.
Seems its time for some counter-references
Alien isnt exclusively for extraterrestrial beings.... Thats what the term "extraterrestrial" is used for.
Webster Dictionary Wrote:* Main Entry: 1alien
* Pronunciation: \ˈā-lē-ən, ˈāl-yən\
* Function: adjective
* Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin alienus, from alius
* Date: 14th century
1 a : belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing : strange b : relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government : foreign c : exotic 1
2 : differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility
As also said earlier, Alien...Xeno....Xenophobia... applies to all aliens, even those of the same species.
But my point on the matter is that Xenophobia, as phobias are associated with the ""Fear of Something"" is simply the wrong word.
That said, I now give you a list of non-phobic words that are just the opposite, as the word "Misos" used in them means "Hatred" as opposed to the word "Phobos" meaning "Fear"
Quote:misotramontanism: A hater of anything foreign or of the unknown; such as, one who hates what is beyond the mountains. misotramontanist: One who is averse to anything foreign or to the unknown; literally one who hates what is beyond the mountains. misotyrannist: A hater of tyranny. misoxene: A hater of strangers. misoxenist: One who hates strangers. misoxeny: The hatred of strangers.
And then that, of course, means that Liberty's #1 terrorist group are Nomads.
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Anywho, I too appreciate all of Gallia's work, but eh... Its... Very... Uninviting. Its super-gynormous, with a large majority of the systems having the Police own the lanes, so you have to float across gigantic systems, dodging the random patrols of fighters with CDs made by Thor, and once you get to the Council system, you don't really want to leave.
Because you know you have to go back the same way. And as a result, I've only ever seen the Navy/Police up there. Also a deterrent for activity.
Your right, it is a deterrent. You either want to RP in Gallia, or you Don't.
Numerous people as it stands already RP in or With Gallia. They -Want- to RP in Gallia.
Numerous people as it stands already avoid RP in or With Gallia. Tehy -Don't Want- to RP in Gallia
----These are the people who whine about the deterrents you mentioned. Remember, these are people who don't even want to RP in Gallia, whining about an area that doesnt involve them.
----My advice? Get to the point where you decide "Ok, I do want to RP in Gallia", live with the risks and troubles. Or simply.......stay out. Theres enough people who want to RP in Gallia to make things interesting.
Does it fit into the map box? The box labeled "Sirius Sector"? Yes? Awesome.
As i've said before. It was posted somewhere that "Even though Gallia is represented on the Sirian Map, it is actually far outside the Sirius System, a system of its own"
My guess as to why its on the Sirian Map? Game Coding Limitations or it was simply easier to place it on the Sirian Map instead of going through the trouble to make a new map for Gallia and make it swap out the Sirius Map when someone entered Gallia.