The young lady waited on the bench patiently, fiddling with a small flower in the hand. Spinning it through her fingers.
She wore a smart red dress simple and delicate, ending at her knees. It had a small pin-on button bearing the Coalition symbol in the form of an amusing mushroom, that she had picked up from the Comrade's desk.
She also wore black combat boots and long flowing brown hair. Her simple green eyes seemed to stare into the deepest corners of the room.
The young lady looked out of place amongst the petty thieves, shady freelancers and vicious thugs also waiting with her.
She had filled out a small form, detailing her background as a Bretonian, her Armed Forces career and her transfer to intelligence, as well as her history in Kusarian captivity and the torture she had received.
"Miss Stacy Winters?" The Comrade at the desk asked looking up,
"That's me!" She said, smiling sweetly,
"Proceed to the Commissar's office" He said looking back down at his paperwork,
Stacy stood up and moved to the office door, knocking three times and coughing lightly to clear her throat.