"Comrade Zhukov, I have written down my military and intelligence background. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised. Oh and before I forget, I'm sure these will be of interest to you"
The commissar seemed bored and uninterested but picked up the paper and began to read,
She removed five small objects from her pockets and laid them out on the desk.
The first, a Purple Heart.
"Interesting story about how I acquired these, the first belonged to Duke Duchovy of Wellington, one of your top five 'High Value Targets'. I personally dispatched of the capitalist pig myself, although this is just one of the Targets you posted as threats, I have stories about the other four, if you are willing to listen"
He glanced up and admired the five items laid out before him,
"So about those reasons, firstly: I'm an expert in Intelligence services, a brain with a sting, I can hunt down a person in Sirius in a matter of days by tracking their every move. I can infiltrate almost any enemy base with the right time and attention to the job at hand, and I was trained to be a cold-blooded killer if need be."
The commissar straightened up in his seat and she smiled at him, trying to prove his first thoughts wrong.
"Also, I would willing give my life to watch those capitalist pigs burn up in their white castles, I will follow orders to the point, ensuring the swift victory and vengeance of the SCRA, and I'm sure you can find uses for the knowledge I have stored about Bretonia, the gate and lane codes, the locations and call signs of important key figures in the enemy infrostructure and of course, where the BAF have their weapons and ship research stored"