[color=#990000]Omega-52 system [color=#990000]Recruiting center - Administration Office
A clerk comes into the Room and hands the officer behind the desk a print of paper.
"What that?" and after a short pause "Comrade" asked the man in the uniform.
"A letter, witch came in with a supplyship from 49." replyed the clerk, without any noticable emotion in his voice.
The uniformed man looked up to him, "And what shall i do with it, then?"
"I wasent told, the comrade major sayed i should put it onto your desk"
"Please do." sayed the officer, while he put his eyes back to his work, and the clerk layed the letter into the desks inbox.
After stubbing out the cigarette
"Dear sirs,
I am Sergei Gohel, and i hearby devote my life to the war against the Alliance Forces that are occupying the majoraty of the Sirius Sector.
Their greed and the orpession of the alliance governments have long enough poisend our people, and i will do my part in our salvation.
23 Years ago i was born on Planet Erie, live with an Name like mine had never been easy in the intollerant Liberty society, especialy for someone how was raised in a traditional religious fashion, whoes famaly originated from a country back on earth, that was supporting the Coalition.
I never minded the bullying too much, never new a difference, until i enlisted at the university of california, and meet up with others like my, wearing the face and the beleaves of the baltic people. Studdying our history and learning about all the things that had happend to us, i became political.
Assisting in the publication of a left extreme jurnal and participation in several political demonstrations i learned the loving and protectiong arm of the Liberty Gov.
Two of us were send to Sugarland, with the notice, one with a nose like theirs would not last two days in Huntsville, and we never heard of them again. Foundry accident was the word. And another one of us dissapeared in Sugarland.
After this I scraped what ever credit i could find an bought an old Starflier and launching papers out of Pennsylvania, to meat up with the Coalition.
Two weeks of travaling i found my way to Planet Grancanaria, were i am awaiting you reply.
I cannot fight the fashist liberty government with words, and i cannot fight it alone.