//once things go in oorp it all goes to hell. Either way, people somehow need constant reminder of "biggest criminal organization in Sirius" and "we're hungry and most of our people live in poor condition while our Don's get rich".
Somehow two of groups you're in and mine take the pedestal's first, second and third place in lolwutting contest of Sirius. One being powertraders, others bring capships to NY and third hang out in front of gamma because their system is boring as hell. Also, they accompany the second mentioned to lolwutting actions to NY.
So deal is that no Order is dumb enough to come threatening to Corsairs, and we had a Geb hunting 3 pirate transports because we pirated his zoner whale. Oh joy. Order would never wage war with Corsairs, and Zoners wouldn't want that either. So since you're buddybuddies try putting the brains together, although it seems that most of them are one person, and try to come with a proposal that actually benefits us for a change.