...From: Taishō Sulu, Battleship Nagasaki
...To: KNF High Command, Alpha Action Reports
...Cc: KNF High Command, Delta Action Reports
...Subject: Exchange of prisoners in Coronado, Hobart returns home
This time Coronado was selected as the place of the exchange.
After having received clearance from the Temporary Autonomous Zoners for safe passage through Baffin of a small wing of fighters we assambled near Battleship Yamaguchi.
Due to technical troubles (event started very late) we weren't able to meet the Zoner vessel lifted to wave us through, however,
our route didn't involved any in-system installation and our weapon systems were disabled. Our scanners didn't picked up any contacts while in Baffin.
While approaching given coordinates inside the cloud/asteroid field our sensors, forced to work on very small scan ranges due to natural interferences,
were picking up intermitting Privateers transponders signals confirming our thoughts of a trap.
Once arrived, our wing was standing in front of our enemies and I opened my communication system but they apparently weren't interesting in talks,
with the exception of the usual amount of taunts from the Privateers coming in from somewhere nearby...
The ship with our prisoner on board started to move toward us and I moved mine.
The echange took place without troubles but when I was in the process of returing to our ranks a Privateer vessel came out of nowhere and dropped a mine on me,
turning my shields to near 0%. I started evasive maneuvers and ordered our ranks to fire on the Privateer offender and the Bretonia Armed Forces engaged us.
The battle ensued for some time, probably an hour.
Casualties happened on both sides but we were forced to retreat in order to save escape pods and the rescued prisoner when the numbers were few and against us.
We weren't persued but after jumping to Tau-29 from Baffin we came across an XTF Outcast vessel who attempted to claim the system as 'his' space and
obiviously refusing to leave.
At this point Genji engaged him and I let the duel take place, however when another XTF vessel was approaching I called the retreat again as my ship wasn't in good conditions for another fight and I also had all escape pods and the rescued prisoner on board.
While moving away I noticed that Genji stood there to give me the time to flee attracting their attention and I was preparing some hit&run maneuver at safe distance to eventually pick up his pod but it wasn't necessary...he disabled both XTF vessels. Kampai!
Enemy Forces
HMS-Kent (weapons and cruise disabled due to asteroid field/interferences)