I think point is ... no one is playing good space sim because there is no good space sim ... most ppl forgot about freelancer and how good it is or they don't even know this game exists ... there isn't many of us who still play it , develop it and enjoy it.
I think if new Freelancer came out ... i think it would beat all competition and probably most of mmorpg gamers would try it and probably love it:D.
I wouldn't like blizzard to make it ( monthly payment:Di think they would use it on it ) ...
activision is good ...
EA hm they are so concentrated to create new version of game each year so they publish stupid games why cant they take 2 years and make good game:D
Best one would be Microsoft ... they already know game ... i mean i think they would have to see this site and see what are they missing ...
imo best would be to keep most of freelancer game play in next part ... change in
better graphic ,
developed story to fit in disco story( that would be best) ,
maps same ( depends on story , best thing i heard was damkvosh or what ever is name comes back and , maybe destroys some systems , we found new ones and then we play , not sure how will mindshare work and nomads on battleship but let say nomads die:D),
land able planets i mean flying in atmosphere and landing manually ,
walking inside stations ,
walking inside battleships ,
each player has his point of view in battleship ( each have their own turret or set of turrets , captain controls ship and speed and stuff like that ,i mean at least 10 players on BS , captain , gunners, who knows )
ofc more ships , equipment , maybe some visual tweaks on ships military would have same ships but i mean freelancer and mercs could paint their ships in what ever color would they like ... most of those things would be good ... but it will never happen ;(