The Admiral turned around all the 800 sites of papers, throwing a few into the trashbin and even looking under her desk. Nothing she could find.
Obviously she was looking for missing pages in the new recruits dossier.
Even the devil was hiding behind his chair when the Admiral shouted Feldwebel Maier's name.
A young soldier rushed through the Admirals door and obviously he was beeing afraid that he screwed something up.
"Angetreten Frau Admiral!", the soldier said and saluted.
"Feldwebel Maier! I miss some pages out of this dossier! Where the hell are they soldier?
The dossier is missing the recruits background about his former life, his parents, his education....guetiger it is, I know nothing about this boy!
Now find me these missing pages mein Herr. Double time! I want to have lunch ASAP."
The Admiral was always a bit grumpy when beeing hungry.
"Jawohl Frau Admiral. As you ordered Frau Admiral!", the Feldwebel replied.
He turned around and left the Admiral's office.
The next thing he did was picking up the phone to call the recruitment office and to shout at them.
That is the chain of command.
Thanks for your time and interest in our faction dnicu.
Could you please work on your background information a bit?
If you get accepted this will be put into our pilot database and it should contain a bit more about the soldiers background.
Once done, please do me the favour and PM me.