Gingerly opening the door of the SCRA recruiting office, Mark Donovan remembered seeing previous candidates' bodies leaving the premises in significantly worse condition than when they entered. Mark sincerely hoped that his time in the office would not be following that path.
Stepping up to the desk, he began speaking immediately, desperate not to be shot before being able to finish his spiel.
"Comrade Commissar, I wish to join your struggle against the capitalist oppressors of Sirius. As it was back before our ancestors left the Sol system, so it should be here in our new home.
But enough about that. You surely know your goals better than I. Perhaps you would like more information about me? I was born on Leeds where my parents worked for BMM. I don't need to tell you of the hideous injustices that they endured. Needless to say, I could not bring myself to allow such conditions to continue unchecked, and that, in short, is why I am here today. The whole capitalist framework of the House economies is corrupt and exploitative of the people. I volunteer to join your struggle for freedom!"
With his speech complete, Mark seems to relax slightly, although he still seems on edge. The violent history of the SCRA recruitment office still clearly at the forefront of his mind as he awaits a response.