Three walked into the room sporting new Guard epaulettes on his flightsuit.
Walking to the bar he ordered a bottle of bubbly from Joanne and then headed over to the Beta Squadron section.
"Well four, you wouldn't believe how much trouble these were." He indicated towards the new decorations on his uniform.
Four raises his eyebrows questioningly over the shot of whisky he was about to throw back.
"Would you believe I got attacked by a fighter and a bloody great battleship in California?
"Can't imagine what they wanted to attack me for. Just as well there were SA ships on standby or I'd probably have worse than scratched paint on my ship!"
Four belches loudly in sympathy and grabs another handful of cashews, spreading bits and pieces liberally over the area as he munches away with his mouth open.
Three shakes his head. "Finally got the damn GMG sorted. Amazing they had me on their flight listing seeing as I've never even been to Sigma 13 before."
Suzy delivers a bottle and full glasses to the table and three sits back, taking a long pull from a glass.
"Drinks are on me.
"Brackenbury? Kerrigan?" He indicates towards the glasses on the table.